Murchison Falls National Park

4 Days Murchison falls safari

Lying in the Northern part of the Albertine Rift Valley, Murchison falls National Park is known to be Uganda’s ancient conservation areas established in 1952. It bisected by the Victoria Nile that plunges 45 meters over the rift valley wall creating the beautiful and amazing Murchison falls. It is Uganda’s largest and oldest conservation hosting 451 bird species, 76 mammal species and is acknowledged for receiving prominent international visitors. The main attractions in this park are the unique Murchison falls and river Nile with its streaming hippos and the Nile Crocodiles along the sandbanks and other large numbers of different species that usually bath and drink from the river for example buffalos, elephants, aquatic birds and many others. Other notable species also include Winston Churchill, Ernest Hemingway, several British Royals and Theodore Roosevelt.

Activities In Murchison Falls Park

Hikes to the top of the falls. 
This is a very exciting adventures trek of about 45 minutes to the top of the Murchison falls. it is a very amazing experience as one can feel the early vibrate beneath his or her feet and is a great and spectacular view of the park.

Sport fishing. 
With a permit from Uganda Wildlife Authority, the travelers can enjoy the amazing experience of catching a variety of fish species along the banks of the Nile below the Murchison falls. some of the fish species that can be caught include the Nile perch, Tilapia, Catfish and mudfish.

Bird watching.
Murchison falls National Park is an excellent destination for seeing a wide variety of birds that is to say over 450 species including the sought-after shoebill stock, the Goliath Heron which is the world largest heron and the elegant grey crowned crane which is Uganda’s National bird. Along the banks of the Nile are also other birds like the blue-headed coucal, the swamp fly catcher, the African Jacana, sandpipers, black-billed Barbet, Red-throated bee-eater, the African Quail-finch, Piapiac, the Silver bird and many others.

Game drives.
These game drives are usually started early in the morning and mostly done on the other side of the Nile river where there is more wildlife concentration. On the Northern bank of the of the Nile around the Buligi game track is a fantastic photography opportunity and best way to see a wide range of animals for example large families of baboons with their dominant males, many females and several young ones, many impala of different ages, a pool full of hippos where along its shores are hundreds of birds, dozens of elephants, herds of buffaloes, warthogs and giraffes. With the help of a guide, one can also discover the lion hide-outs and also spot the leopards.

Chimp trekking.
These adventurous treks are done in the Kaniyo Pabidi forest reserve of Budongo forest which is the biggest mahogany forest in the whole of East Africa and a habitat of the largest population of chimpanzees throughout Uganda. The guided walks commence at 08:00hrs and 15:00hrs and the success of sighting of the chimps greatly depends on the fruiting seasons that is to say between the months of May and August.

Hot air balloon safaris.
Run by a company called Dream balloon ltd licensed by the Civil Aviation Authority, the hot air balloon safaris are a new and exciting experience that will perfectly expose the different vegetation types like Budongo forest and other amazing features like the world’s most beautiful falls (Murchison falls) and the longest river on earth (River Nile). These safaris start 5:00a.m with a briefing on safety and regulations by the pilot and at 6: 00a.m the flight sets off. The balloon floats in air for about an hour and after landing the participants enjoy a delicious bush breakfast and are awarded with certificates of participation.

For more information about Murchison falls national park , send us an email to or call us now on +256-700135510 to speak with the reservations team.